PICSPIRATION SUNDAY: Sometimes details can be better to photograph than the full landscape. Farm waves is a good example.
It was a beautiful evening in Ås in Norway last night – and I brought my camera out to some of the local farm fields. The fields are particularly green at this time of the year. Especially in the last hour before sunset the colors stand out.
This time the beautiful lines in the farm field struck me. Or should we call them “farm waves”?
I experiented with several variations, but was most happy with the main photo on this article. It is taken on quite some distance using my Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 IS II USM. It is taken on the smallest aperture possible with this lens – f/32 – to get maximum depth of field. In the end I also had to crop the photo quite a bit to remove details like buildings or trees. I wanted only the lines in the farm fields to be visible in the final photo.
I realize I should do this more often: Look for the details and not only the full landscape. Often you can create a completely different mood and atmosphere when you only photograph the details.
But yes: I did also take more typical landscape photos last night. Here is one:

This is one of my favorite spots to photograph in Ås – and readers of this blog have seen several photos from here ealier 🙂 Photo: John Einar Sandvand
More photos of farm waves
I like the main photo in this article best myself, but here are a couple of other farm waves photos: