There are hundreds of 0DTE options trading strategies. But you are not likely to succeed with any of them if you do not log and analyze your trades. Here is an example from my 0DTE Breakeven Iron Condor strategy.
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After two years and 2796 trades: The 0DTE Breakeven Iron Condor remains a consistently profitable strategy. Here is how I trade it.
[continue reading…]Here are the results of 100 trades with the 1DTE High Delta Iron Condor options strategy
on November 26, 2022
22 minutes in the trade – and I have made 0,32 % of the total capital risked. That is the average results after I have completed my first 100 trades with the 1DTE High Delta Iron Condor strategy on SPX.
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After more than 1300 trades, the 0DTE Breakeven Iron Condor remains my most profitable options trading strategy. This is what I have learned after more than one year of trading.
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I have experimented with many options trading strategies. But here is the one strategy that has outperformed all others so far – and that also fits very well with my risk profile and trading style.
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For tre-kvart år siden startet jeg med å handle med opsjoner. Det har vært en berg-og-dal-bane. Her er det viktigste jeg har lært som nybegynner så langt.

Operating a distributed software development team is like investing in stocks: It can give huge rewards, but also carries risks. Here are 10 lessons to increase the chance for high returns.

For ten jogging trips I have used both Fitbit, Runkeeper, and Strava simultaneously. The conclusion: Trust Strava the least! Here is why!

Her er “Ås-kalenderen 2017”! Få Vakre Ås på veggen hele året – med 12 flotte lokale landskapsbilder trykket på silkepapir av høy kvalitet.

Hvilket lokalt landskapsbilde vil du helst ha på veggen? Rundt 200 Ås-boere stemte. Her er listen.